Today through my church plant, i volunteer to bring a group of less privilege kid to enjoy their year end at Kiddomo. I sign up with the intention of trying to experience how is it to become a father of a kid. But when i reach there, there is only one question bothering my mind and i end up the whole trip contemplating that question. What kind of future will they have?
I try to check with one of the leader for this programme on how the kid are coping with their studies, and the answer i get was they are not doing as well as the other kids at school. Based on my own observation, i also realise that nearly more than half of them are not interested in studies.
And with their current living condition and education quality they receive, it is near to impossible for them to win the rat race or even to live a better life in a modern world, things will only get harder when they grow up. They will grow up in a path where they will be tempted by the many ways of the devils, trying to lure them to become a tools for them such as a drug mule, prostitute, thief and many other kind of low class criminal. Some of them are starting to have the trait like those gangster i saw on the street where they like to put a pouch bag around their neck. I only see disaster in their future unless God give them a miracle where among them born a super star in sport or celebrity, and he/she is full of gratitude and come back to take care of their own people.
I try to find answer by asking another volunteer on the same trip on how can the kids have better future, and she answer she can only teach them English and the church are also supporting them. Yeah, sometimes i guess i think to much, as an adult, all we can do is build a better future for the coming generation by doing what we are best at. A generation where it is fair, where everyone have the equal treatment and everyone have the same opportunities.
God i do not know how busy are you, but these kids need you, please guide them with your wisdom, let them make the right decision in life, do not let the devils get near to them, and please let your miracle happen in each of everyone of their life, Amen.
PS: Saw a dying cat along the trip, please let him suffer less, god speed.