Was talking with my colleges last few days bringing up the issue weather can a claimant claim against a company who produce condoms if...
Naturally Curious
Was talking with my colleges last few days bringing up the issue weather can a claimant claim against a company who produce condoms if...
Was reading the bible yesterday and i came across an interesting scripture explaining why we should love our enemies. The scripture say:...
If you understand that life is a journey, then beside the calling of your life, the most important meaning of life is to ensure you are...
I think Peter must be a romantic person, the way he speak to the lame when he is healing him on the street is like confessing to the...
I feel a bit shock when i go through a phrase by Professor Makau Mutua, he describe the provision in the UDHR as bias and cultural...
Received a breaking news yesterday, a tough fighter that had been fighting a war of 3 long years decided to step down. I am talking about...
Decided to take a day off yesterday and do some light reading on the bible. Come across an interesting scripture: But now, brethren, if i...
It is indeed a great movie, it told us no one can change the past, what had happen cannot be undone even if you have a time machine to...
Saw how a foreigner teaches his kid on ABC using bible scripts, i am very impressed that i need to cite it down in this journal [A]sk and...
Receive another great message at the church today that remind us to repay evil with good. And my pastor offer a small tips on how to...
As a christian, many of us like to talk about having faith towards God or living by faith, i wonder how many of us truly understand what...
刚完成了人生第一个第五次的潜水经验就立刻去上班, 在收拾背包的时候好像忘记了把自己的心情也收拾回来, 工作的时候错误连连。 一直在回想那长长的白沙滩还有那宽阔的碧海蓝天。
每晚临睡前都会看一看美国的脱口秀,昨天看到了一位自己还蛮喜欢的女艺人被问到如何教育儿女。她的回答是她绝对不会让她们看灰姑娘和美人鱼,因为她觉得灰姑娘应该自救而不是等个有钱人来拯救,美人鱼为了爱人牺牲自己的声音是愚昧的。 虽然我这辈子应该也没有当爸的可能了,可是她的一番话令我...
今天下午在我工作的餐厅连续听到有两座的客户说自己穷。她们看上去应该至少比我年起十年, 在这个充满机会和希望的年龄说自己穷实在有点悲观,我真想回她们一句,‘再穷也没比我穷吧!’。因为真正的穷除了口袋没钱之外生活还没有选择。就像现在的我,年近四十,一无所有,就连常常拿来骗自己的...
遗书 致我亲爱的两个儿子 肉肉,虽然你没有弟弟那帅气的蓝眼睛,可是你那充满疑惑的眼睛总给人有一种呆萌的感觉,所以妈妈觉得如果妈妈这次考状元有什么差池,没办法让大家过上更好的生活而选择自尽的话,你一定会比弟弟更快找到人收养。...
花了半年时间和我的发型师一起研究,到了今天还是剪不出自己脑子里想象的理想发型。 最近什么事都不顺心,而且手头上的资源越来越少,以为花了三十块钱剪个漂亮的头发可以让自己开心一下,结果又大失所望。 到底要到哪里才能找到能把我最佳的一面都绽放出来的好伙伴?为什么我遇到的人总是爱抢...
今天和老板和上级反映了一下对餐厅伙食的问题,因为真的越来越难咽下口了。 相信他也看得出我的懊恼,他今天刚好在餐厅吃午餐,顺手就从他的锅里捞了一碗面给我然后对我说他会和厨房谈谈预算。 我想了一会跑回去问他,他这样让我吃这碗面会不会破坏了规矩,...