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Naturally Curious

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续七一冲击立法会事件以后,香港的政局好像还没有稳定下来,人民依旧上街抗议,而网上也开始流放警察使用暴力对待人民的影片。 今天在网上看到香港歌手何韵诗上联合国人权理事会控诉中共,要求理事会将中国除名。令我感到惊讶的是,中华人民共和国代表在会议上否认‘一国两制’,他指出何韵诗所...


Today my Pastor talk about he saw more free people in the prison than the outside world while doing ministry. I guess that is very true...


六月的‘反送中条例’行动没有向好的方面发展,现在事情已近升级变成两百万人上街游行,丧失了三条人命,人民冲击立法会,香港行政特区政府把事件列为暴动事件,也就是说被警方逮捕的‘暴徒’有可能会被判重行。 香港品牌Giodano以及香港唯一反对党媒体的创始人,黎智英,也出来发声说,...


昨天在犹疑看什么电影的时候看来是做对了选择,看了一部还不错的电影。 故事里的女主是一个可爱,善良,勇敢,充满正义感,在我眼里还没有到笨的地步的一个女孩子,这样的女孩应该是到哪里都人见人爱吧!而男主是一个从小就学习特别好的学霸,导演还把丑小鸭大变身的桥段套在他的身上。...



《愛的羅曼死 Romance》



这几年来写了将近六百多则短文,虽然不敢说全部都是好文,可是至少有一半以上是有收藏价值的。 前几天心情不好,打算重读这几年的心血来愉悦自己,可是发现有好多都被人更改过,变成只剩下谩骂的部分,很多金句和道理都不见了,用词也不像一般我会用的英语单词。 2016-2017...

Yo Mama so fat

'Yo mama so fat when she walk pass the tv, we miss 3 episods of the series!'is a damm good insult. Been trying to recall this joke few...

Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

Martin Luther King once said: 'everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in...


Hamster is the best animal on keeping secret, they manage to hide everything inside their mouth although their mouth is moving all the...


Encounter a very interesting MTV during my run in the gym today. In the video, there is an old man staying in a house with very poor...


'Aristotle: Power should be vested in law and not in people' such a powerful phrase! Is convincing and words that restoring hope, if just...

Loyalty and Integrity

In the restaurant that i am currently working, i got a colleague that like to share how expensive are the raw materials we are using to...


Receive a very powerful message from my pastor today regarding love and sin. The message was carried out using watching pornography as an...

A Good Heart

Messages from God today is 'Without a new heart, everything will start with hopes and end with disappointments'. Heart means the mind,...


11/03/2017 First major incident of the year. Korean constitutional court removed impeached President Park Geun-hye from the office. The...

Iron Lady

Watch an interview regarding Margaret Thatcher during the weekend. When being asked what is her leading philosophy, she answer with 3...

Wonder Women

Diana Prince - a perfect figure to promote feminism, better than a lot of man that i personally know which is usually filthy liars or...

Lord Neuberger

29/07/2017 Is sad to see a clip where Lord Neuberger mention it is the last time that he will say 'the court is now adjourn'. The 12...

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